Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sustainable Motherhood at 16 Weeks

I seem to remember 16 weeks being a milestone in the Freen's development. Perhaps that's because it is when I went back to work and even though he got easier everything got just a little bit harder. Regardless after four months, has also reached a milestone. We hit 2,000 unique visitors today. While this is not that impressive on its own right what I am excited about is that the second thousand happened in the last four weeks. The recent post on High Fructose Corn Syrup received great feedback and wonderful comments. I am so excited by the progress and I just wish I had more time to write and research but unfortunately there is still real work to be done and real money to be made.

For the blog in August, I am looking into phthalates and finding the research as conflicting and the chemical as pervasive as BPA. I also just recently attended our local sustainability group, Sustainable Warwick and became a member of the consumer initiatives group aka The Bag Ladies. My first assignment is to look into the environmental impact of bottled water and how we can promote the use of greener alternatives in our community. Finally, in August I plan to start a series titled Sustainable Mother of the Month. I want to recognize all types of moms for their efforts in promoting sustainable living. I have the first few lined up, but if you have any suggestions, please submit nominations via comments until I figure out how to add a poll to the blog.

In other news, Sustainable Motherhood was added to the blog roll of one of the best green mommy blogs around Green Mom Finds and it was listed in the Top 100 Best Blogs by Green and Clean Mom. Also in July, after months of procrastinating, I finally uploaded our logo and archived posts to a Facebook fan page. Visit and fan us to receive updates on posts and join a community of other moms looking to achieve sustainability. While you're there also check out Z Recommends' fan page. Z Recs was one of the first sites to list us in their blog roll and we get several visitors a day from it, so I would like to return the love.

Well that is all the shameless self-promotion I'll engage in for today. Now I am going to get out of my gym clothes and pick up the freen.

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